Na tej strani boste našli novičke in mnenja nekaterih gostov, ki so se po Kamniku in okolici potepali z mano:

Jeeej, ilustrirani Družinski zemljevid Kamnika in okolice, 3., posodobljena izdaja. Risal je Ivan Mitrevski, pisala sem jaz (no, večji del). Oblikovanje Ivan Mitrevski in Katarina Goltez, jezikovni pregled Tanja Zečević, prevod Josh Rocchio.
Brezplačno na voljo v TIC Kamnik v slovenskem in v angleškem jeziku, pa tudi pri nekaterih ponudnikih.
Hvala Zavodu za turizem in šport Kamnik za podporo in pomoč pri distribuciji. Pa tudi vsem ponudnikom, ki so s svojim oglasom omogočili izdajo zemljevida. Izdajo zemljevida je sofinancirala Občina Kamnik.
Foto: Irena Grmek, Local Guide Kamnik
Foto: Zavod za turizem in šport Kamnik
Več o zemljevidu TUKAJ.
Za razigrano in prijetno druščino, s katero sem se po Kamniku in okolici potepala pred nekaj dnevi, tudi vseh tistih 7... (ups, pardon, ne smem izdati številke ) stopnic, ki vodijo na Mali grad, ni bil nikakršen problem. Kot kaže njihova trenerja, Matej in Damjan, pridno skrbita, za to, da so v formi.
Dan smo začeli v dežju, z ogledom Starega gradu nad Kamnikom (seveda ni šlo brez kavice v kavarni Grajska terasa (mimogrede - mafini, ki jih je s seboj prinesla ena od gostij, so bili odlični!). Potem nas je pot vodila v mesto, kjer smo se potikali po ozkih uličicah starega mestnega jedra, si ogledali Plečnikovo Kapelo Božjega groba ter Frančiškansko knjižnico, muzej Rudolfa Maistra ter Sadnikarjev muzej, za konec pa smo se zapeljali še do Stranj in si ogledali Plečnikovo največje delo v tem koncu - cerkev Sv. Benedikta v Stranjah - ki jo nekateri imenujejo kar "muzej Plečnikove umetne obrti". In - ne boste verjeli - na koncu nas je le grelo sonce.
Hvala vam za vaš obisk in kmalu nasvidenje, upam!
"Vsi udeleženci smo bili zelo navdušeni nad vami in nad izletom," je zapisala ga. Mariča Accetto.
Seniorska telovadna skupine Milleniuma s trenerjema Matejem in Damjanom
"Pa kaj, če dežuje, mi se imamo fino tudi v dežju, " je rekel Jakob, najstarejši od štirih vnukov, s katerimi sta Marica in njen mož obiskala Kamnik v začetku novembra, med Krompirjevimi počitnicami. V taki prijetni in simpatični družbi čas res hitro mine!
Veste, kako vedoželjne so te mlade glavice? Na koncu so si vsi prislužili sladko presenečenje, saj so pravilno odgovorili na vsa vprašanja, ki so se skrivala na lističih in tako dokazali, kako pozorno so poslušali.
Hvala, da ste mi polepšali dan in z menoj delili spodnjo sličico z Malega gradu!
"Tako lepo smo se imeli, sploh otroci se bodo dolgo časa tega spominjali! Hvala vam za vse, odlično ste pripravili, boljše ne bi mogli doživeti!"
Marica Frančeškin, Slovenija
Irena, it was such a great experience! Thank you!
Zachary (USA)

"Please have in mind we are not fit at all. Well, at least the majority of us," were one of the first words I heard from my guests from TIC Murska Sobota just a few moments after we met in Kamnik the other day.
Well, let me tell you - they did great!
We hiked up to the herdsmen village on Velika planina plateau and they were so busy enjoying the amazing views of Kamnik-Savinja Alps, they forgot all about them (supposedly) not being fit.
I had fun with you, guys! Thank you for your visit! Hvala!

Andrea, Marta, Elena and Magda stayed in Slovenia for several days. They spent a day in Kamnik where we met and then we headed up to Velika Planina.
"Irena, the day we spent with you in Kamnik and Velika Planina was our favourite day!"
Thank you, chicas, for having me as your guide, I had so much fun with you (and listening you talking in 'catalán' while practicing my 'castellano'). I hope you had a chance to try some more local craft beer after returning to the valley.
Andrea, Marta, Elena, Magda (Catalunya, Spain)

Here's what Sandra & Robert think about discovering Kamnik with me.
They visited Kamnik in late March and our plan was to hike up the Velika planina mountain. Due to the weather conditions, we had to switch from plan A to plan B, but had great time in Kamnik and Kamniška Bistrica valley despite all.
Enjoyed spending time with you, Sandra and Bob, and hope you'll be back soon so I can take you to Velika planina too.
Have a look at what Greg from Slovenia for you wrote about spending a day in Kamnik with me.
Thank you Greg!
Bled, Piran, Skocjan...its all good. But where to go for a totally relaxing day and enjoy some amazing scenery and enjoy the ambiance of a quaint medieval town?
Kamnik is the answer!! An hour from Ljubljana, you will love it.
And if you need a guide to explore the area, we have the perfect person for you too!
Read the exclusive review of a day in Kamnik, Slovenia by Slovenia for you.
Last summer I hosted special guests on Velika planina pasture mountain near Kamnik, Slovenia – François Pérusse & his family. They came all the way from Quebec, Canada, with their filming crew to shoot some episodes for a documentary called »Off the beaten path with family« (Partir Autrement en Famille) that is broadcasted on TV5 Monde Canada. We spent a great day together, getting to know the shepherds way of life in one of the oldest and best preserved herdmen settlement of such size in Europe, Veliki stan. Of course we tried some »žganci and kislo mleko« (buckweat porridge and sour milk) and later on, two of the women shepards, Andreja Bečan and Rezka Mali, tought them how to make »trnič« hard cheese (by the way, they did great job!). We stopped at the Preskar's hut museum, too, but mostly we enjoyed the beautiful landscape, cows and their cowbell sound and the unique architecture of the place.
I enjoyed spending time with you, guys, and can't wait to see the episodes you shot on TV screens!
A few days ago I hosted travel bloggers Lowcosteros, Lucía & Manu from Spain. After Rok Pravljica / Fairytale - Velika planina welcomed them in their "casa" to be for a next few days - his beautiful and cozy hut, koča Bistra - it was my turn to show them around the magical landscape of meadows on Velika planina.
It was so nice meeting you, Lucía & Manu, hope to see you again soon.
You can read what they wrote afterwards here.
"We had a tour with Irena at Velika planina and I can still say that it was truly one of the best experiences we have ever had. It was amazing. The atmosphere .. the sorroundings .. scenery and, ofcourse, our tourguide! She was kind, helpful and patient and really knowledgable and I will surely recommend this tour to any one who tells me that they'll be visiting Slovenia! It couldnt have been any better!
On behalf of the group I would like to say a big thank you to you because you were amazing in all ways possible and you provided us a perfect day. This is the photo we took, thanks again and I hope you have everything your heart desires. ♡ Thank you, Irena!"
Justine Borg Bonaci and the rest of the group (Malta)
"I enjoyed the day with you very much! These parts of Slovenia are stunning!"
Renate Sandvick, blogger at Renates Reiser (Canada)
Read her article about Kamnik & Velika planina here.
"Thanks for yet another unforgettable day and for showing us this truly amazing place!"
Ronalee and Greg Kodrič, founders of Slovenia for you (Australia)
Read their article here.
"It was a pleasure to meet you and we had an amazing day visiting your country."
Francesc Balagué, blogger at Rutabaobab (Spain, Brasil)
Read his article here.
"Thank you - you were our best guide in Slovenia!"
Irina Tabakova, Helsinki Newspaper (Finnland)
"Thank you, we had great time visiting Kamnik and Velika planina. Hope we will be back soon."
Isabela Discacciati, blogger at Italia per Amore (Italy)
Read her article about Kamnik & Velika planina here.
A journalist Mirjana Momirović while talking to the shepherd Peter Erjavšek, infront of his hut at Velika planina pasture moutain, preparing him for the interview for a TV documentary on Velika planina and trnič hard cheese (European Culture Channel ARTE).
"Irena, thank you for your excellent guiding."
Mirjana Momirović, (Germany), Micafilm and European Culture Channel ARTE
"Eslovenia es un pequeño país perteneciente a la UE y que se conoce poco en nuestro país. Este verano estuve con mi familia y unos muy amigos una semana y allí conocí a Irena, una guía magnífica que habla un español perfecto y que nos hizo disfrutar enormemente de los paisajes, de las gentes y de las historias de dos zonas eslovenas: el pueblo de pastores de Velika Planina y de la cuidad de Kamnik. Qué decir de las maravillosas sensaciones que nos hizo vivir Irena. No olvidamos la mágnífica excursión que hicimos contigo por Velika Planina y por Kamnik. Nos enseñaste muchas cosas interesantes sobre la vida en esta región de Eslovenia. Nos quedan ahora las fotos que tenemos de esos paisajes y tus palabras adornándolos. Esperemos que pronto podamos vivir parecida experiencia."
Marta Fernández Casado (España)
I was enjoying the acoustic Skunk Anansie concert in Italy when I got the call from Lennart saying that he is staying in Kamnik region with his wife and 2 daughters and would like to discover the town, the Kamniška Bistrica river valley and Velika Planina with me.
We had to wait for a few days for the rain to stop, but it was definitelly worth it, wasn't it Lennart?
Thank you, Irena.
Lennart and his family (The Netherlands)

In April 2019 I had the honor to meet one of the best independent travel journalists, Chris Christensen, the man behind the award winning travel online site Amateur Traveler podcast with a weekly audio podcast on travel destinations.
Despite the fog and some freshly fallen snow we hiked up to the herdmen's settlement on Velika planina plateau and visited Preskar's museum cottage.
If just a few days before our visit the mountain was covered with violet blankets of crocuses vernus, that day the image was completely different and it was really impressive to see their violet heads looking for their way out from the white snow. Something you don't get to see often. Beautiful!
And yes, it was quite chilly up there, in case you were wondering (but luckily we were prepared as one should always be when visiting the mountains.
Thanks to Velika Planina d.o.o., Visit Kamnik and Feel Slovenia for making it possible.
Here's what Fernando from Barcelona, Catalunya thinks of discovering Kamnik with me:
Remember Sandra & Robert? Well, guess what? They DID return to Kamnik and had more luck with the weather the second time. We spent a wonderful day hiking the Velika planina plateau.
Dear Sandra and Bob, thank you for your visit, hope to see you again next year!
Evo nas, Banda CITRARSKA in Local Guide Kamnik, končno skupaj na Veliki planini!

"We had such a great day! Thanks so much for such a great experience. It's going to be hard to beat."
Pina and her family (London, UK)

"Irena and I spent a long but EXCELLENT day together at Velika Planina, Mala Planina, Bela Partisan Hospital, and finally, Kamnik. We had talked about my interest in Plečnik during the day. In Kamnik, she took me to a candlemaker’s shop to see if they would show me their still-preserved black kitchen. While there, she scored us an invitation to see a dining area in the candlemaker’s father’s apartment; the dining area was created by Plečnik himself for the family. It was spectacular.
Irena, thanks for the great day!"
Dave (USA)


Glagolite d.o.o.
Javni zavod Center za mlade Domžale
Jezikovni center Palatin
Pravljica / Fairytale Velika planina
Ministrstvo za obrambo
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve
Paraíso Mediterráneo Travel Agency
Panteon College
Študentski klub Domžale
Univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje Društvo Lipa, Domžale
Zavod za turizem, šport in kulturo v občini Kamnik
Kulturni dom Franca Bernika Domžale